How to Save Money & Reduce Energy Use at the Same Time

6 minute read

Mother Wiping Childs Face

在当今世界,找到省钱和减少能源消耗的方法是一种双赢的局面. Not only does it benefit your wallet, 但它也有助于通过减少温室气体排放和节约宝贵资源来保护环境. In this blog, 我们将探讨实用的技巧和策略,帮助你在节省开支的同时尽量减少能源的使用.

美国环境保护署表示,刷牙时开着水龙头平均每次会浪费4加仑的水. In a four-person household, where each person brushes twice each day, that’s 32 gallons of water wasted. 当你离开房间的时候关灯可以节省电力和降低你的水电费. According to the US EPA, turning off equipment and lights at night and on the weekend, and unplugging appliances when they are not in use can reduce energy waste.

You don’t need to compromise on comfort to reduce energy use. 今天,我们将重点介绍一些省钱并同时减少能源使用的最佳方法.

Practice Smart Energy Consumption Around the Home


Practice smart energy consumption around the home by:

  • Replacing your light bulbs with LED light bulbs
  • Installing a programmable thermostat
  • Weatherizing your home and maintaining that weathering regularly
  • Using natural light
  • Washing your clothes in cold water
  • Upgrading your HVAC system

Mother Using Laundry Detergent While Holding Baby

Dress for the Weather Inside and Outside Your Home



If it’s warm during the summer, then you tend to dress in cooler clothes inside and outside your home.

在室内穿衣服以适应室外环境是省钱的好方法. 如果你能把你的恒温器调到接近外界温度1到2度, you could save hundreds of dollars on home heating and cooling costs.

In fact, according to PG&E,高于78华氏度的每一度代表大约节省2%的冷却成本. Even at 78° F, 不管你家的隔热和风化情况如何,你家的空调系统可能有50%的时间是运行的.

Consider Smart Metering

Many utility companies use smart metering to help you save money. Here’s how smart metering works:

  • Your utility company installs a special “smart meter” on your home. 这款智能电表比传统的电表更先进地跟踪你用了多少电.
  • 一些公用事业公司只是为你在家里安装一个智能电表而付钱. 还有一些可以让你通过在线仪表盘控制或管理家里的用电量.
  • The biggest benefit of smart metering, however, is the ability to switch to a time-of-use pricing model. 在非用电高峰时段,公用事业公司收取的电费可能会便宜得多. Instead of running your dishwasher, laundry machine, and TV between 6pm and 8pm, for example, you could save by running major appliances after 10pm.

智能电表可以帮助你每年节省5%到20%的水电费, depending on consumption. 这可能意味着你每年口袋里会多出数百美元——仅仅是为了简单的生活方式改变.

Woman Loading Laundry With Detergent Sheet

Invest in Energy-Saving Technology

Some energy-saving technology is an investment. You invest in that technology today, and it pays dividends in the future in the form of energy savings, lower utility bills, cheaper maintenance costs, and other savings.


  • Install a more efficient HVAC system. The best HVAC systems may cost more today, 但它们可以在你的设备的使用寿命中为你节省数百美元的电费.
  • Invest in solar panels. 普通的家用太阳能电池板阵列可以使用20到30年,并在5到10年内收回成本.
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances. Like HVAC systems, 节能电器今天可能会花更多的钱,但可以长期为你省钱和维护成本.
  • 把你最常用的灯具换成能源之星认证的LED灯泡, 这种灯泡可以节省90%的能源,寿命是标准灯泡的15倍, according to
  • 投资鼓风机门测试或红外摄像机测试,以发现你家的泄漏. 红外摄像机可以揭示你家里浪费能源的惊人来源. 有些人还进行鼓风机门测试,使用特殊的风扇来识别间隙和裂缝. 你可能今天花几百美元做一个测试,将来却能省下几千美元,因为你能发现一个隐藏的能源浪费来源——比如绝缘不良的阁楼.

Use Natural Light and Ventilation

充分利用十大赌博官方正规网址光和通风,减少对人工照明和冷却的需求. 白天打开窗帘和百叶窗,让阳光照亮你的空间. Additionally, strategically placed windows or vents can promote natural airflow, reducing reliance on air conditioning and fans.

Solar Panels Used For Cleaner Manufacturing

Buy from Climate Positive Companies

Most companies are climate negative. 他们使用能源,污染环境,排放温室气体,使环境变得更糟 gasses.

Some companies are climate neutral. They offset carbon emissions or take other steps to reduce waste.

When companies become Climate Positive or Carbon Negative, they begin to offset their environmental impacts in a positive way. 碳负和气候正代表着同样的想法:积极地从大气中去除比产生更多的二氧化碳. 这些举措旨在通过抵消人为排放和积极促进减缓气候变化来恢复稳定的气候.

ECOS is proud to be climate positive. 我们花了50年时间完善清洁生产和可持续商业实践. In 2021, we became a climate positive manufacturer, which means we reduce our environmental footprints in carbon, water, 通过投资清洁能源项目和水恢复项目,抵消我们110%的剩余影响——让世界比我们发现的更美好. 我们也是国内第一家获得LEED零碳排放认证的制造商, LEED Zero Energy, 以及LEED零废弃物认证——所有这些都有助于创造更美好的未来.

世界上一些最大的公司已经宣布了减少碳排放的计划, 一家公司抵消的碳比它排放的碳多,这是一种积极的气候变化. These companies include:

Microsoft, which has pledged to go carbon negative by 2030. In fact, by 2050, 微软计划清除自1975年发布以来产生的所有大气碳.

IKEA, which has announced plans to be carbon negative by 2030.

Intuit (TurboTax、Mint和QuickBooks的制造商),该公司承诺到2030年实现负碳排放.

Some corporations have also pledged to go carbon neutral. Google, for example, first achieved carbon neutrality in 2007, while Netflix became carbon neutral in 2022. Facebook, Apple, Nestlé, and Coca-Cola与此同时,这些国家都宣布了在2030年至2050年实现碳中和的计划.

Final Word: Simple Changes Lead to Big Savings

With a little bit of work today, you can save big money in the future. 从投资更节能的灯泡到购买像ECOS这样对气候有利的公司的十大彩票网赌平台, 你可以省钱,同时减少能源浪费和碳排放.