10令人惊讶 & 减少家中毒素的实惠方法



We understand the importance of creating a safe environment for you and your loved ones without breaking the bank. While buying organic groceries is a fantastic step towards reducing toxins, 我们知道这可能会对钱包造成压力.

However, there are numerous affordable alternatives that can help you create a healthier home. 在这篇博文中, we’ll unveil cost-effective strategies to minimize toxins and promote well-being within your living space.


杀虫剂可以杀死家里的害虫, but they can also leave your home overloaded with toxic 化学物质. That’s why many experts recommend preventing pests using natural methods instead.

农药 are linked to asthma, learning disabilities, brain disorders, and developmental issues in 孩子们. 宠物 and 孩子们 are particularly susceptible to the effects of pesticides.

Some of the affordable ways to prevent pests and reduce toxins include:

  • 洗碗和清理食物残渣
  • 保持食品包装严密
  • 密封害虫可能进入你家的裂缝
  • 拔除杂草,而不是在草坪上喷洒除草剂
  • Try natural bug deterrents like cayenne pepper, dishwashing liquid and water


9) Invest in a Tap Water Filter Instead of Buying Bottled Water

有些人买瓶装水是为了减少家里的毒素. 另一方面,购买瓶装水实际上可以 增加 家里的毒素.

In the United States, the EPA strictly regulates the quality of local drinking water. Bottled water must also meet certain standards, although those standards 不那么严格.

Invest in a filter for your tap water – like an under-sink filter. 过滤过的自来水可以让你享受更干净的生活, 更安全的饮用水,没有额外的碳足迹.


如果你想减少家里的毒素, 不要再穿鞋子了——或者至少不要再穿你在外面穿的那双.

在室内穿鞋可以追踪细菌, 细菌, 化学物质, 以及其他污染物. You’re spreading whatever you stepped in – and whatever your guests have stepped in – all over your home.


Furnace and air filters should be changed every three months, according to experts. 事实上, some recommend replacing them every month for maximum efficiency and indoor air quality.

在更换炉子或空气过滤器之前等待的时间越长, the less efficient it will be – and the dirtier your indoor air becomes. 在日历上做个记号,定期更换空气过滤器.



Many household cleaning products are loaded with harmful 化学物质. These 化学物质 could linger in the air after you’ve finished cleaning.

更安全的清洁十大彩票网赌平台, 另一方面, use plant-derived ingredients and less harsh 化学物质 for a similar clean with safer formulas.

ECOS was founded on the principle of affordability because we believe everyone has the right to a healthy home. 今天, we continue to recognize that value by extracting costs from our operations with concentrated formulas that give you more cleaning power for less money per load or per ounce, 并减少包装,以减少浪费和运输成本. No matter your budget, you should be able to enjoy a cleaner and safer home.


尽管经常清洁,灰尘还是不可避免地积聚起来. 灰尘是由细胞组成的, 纤维, 花粉, 细菌, 还有从外面带进来的各种污垢和毒素. 定期除尘可以减少家里的毒素:

  • 真空每周
  • Clean the vacuum bag and filter with each use to prevent dust from spraying back into the air
  • Replace carpet with wood, tile, or non-vinyl linoleum, if possible
  • Dust surfaces regularly, and pay attention to areas in your home where dust tends to collect


If your home was built before 1978 (the year lead paint was banned), it could have lead paint.

Your home may be overloaded with toxins through no fault of your own. 事实上, many old homes contain lead paint and other toxic substances that could be silently harming health.

Some local health departments offer discounted lab paint testing for $20 to $50. Alternatively, you can hire a local professional to test samples around your home. It’s a small investment that could bring peace of mind or a warning to repaint your home before your health is affected.


Older homes may have lead paint, but homes of all ages could have radon gas leaks. Homes could have radon gas due to the natural breakdown of the soil underneath the foundation of your home. 即使你的家建得很好,很密封, you could have a radon gas problem silently harming your family’s health.

氡 gas isn’t just an annoyance: it’s a life-threatening problem. gas inhalation is the second-leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking.

You can buy an inexpensive radon test kit online or at a local hardware store to check your home for radon gas.



Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a chemical found in certain types of plastic bottles and canned goods. 十大彩票网赌平台BPA的危害存在一些争论, but early research has linked BPA to developmental issues and serious health risks in fetuses, 婴儿, 孩子们, 和成人.

检查塑料瓶和罐装食品是否含有BPA. If you’re unsure, recycle or repurpose plastic bottles and buy new ones. 其他建议包括:

  • 选择有回收标志的水瓶, 2, 或者是5(不要用标有“7”的水瓶)或者, 更好的是, 避免使用一次性塑料瓶,使用可重复使用的水瓶. 咖啡杯和茶杯也一样.
  • Avoid microwaving plastic food containers, as heat can cause plastic to leach into your food
  • Limit your consumption of canned foods (many cans are lined with an epoxy resin)
  • 在玻璃或陶瓷容器中储存或微波食品

We’ll end with a free and proven tip: open your windows to circulate air. Your indoor air quality may be 2-5 times, or even 100 times, worse than the outdoor air quality.

Even cracking your windows for a few minutes per day can help circulate air, 让你的家焕然一新, 减少室内空气污染物.

事实上,这个技巧是有效的 即使你活着 在一个污染严重的城市. If you live near a busy road, then consider opening your windows at night when traffic is less. However, all ventilation can help circulate fresh air into your home.

In conclusion, creating a safe and toxin-free home doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. 通过结合上面分享的引人注目的技巧, you can take significant strides towards reducing toxins in your living space without breaking the bank.